Martijn Sanders


Martijn Sanders

There was a period in my life when things were off road for me because of addiction problems. Physically, mentally and spiritually I was at my bottom. I was lucky I got a chance to work on those problems in a clinic abroad. Part of the program was Yoga practice. It helped me a lot to get back on the right track again.

Nowadays I work as a nurse and take care of people in need. I feel blessed to be able to serve others, but it can be difficult as well. In Yoga practice I can serve my inner self. No distracting thoughts or worries. A moment just for me. I allow myself to take time to expand and improve my physical and mental condition. Or just be satisfied with the moment as it is. After Yoga practice I always feel more positive than before. During the week the moments of Yoga practice are real energy suppliers for me.

After practicing yoga for about ten years (with some intervals) a friend told me about Yoga Kumar. After some hesitations I decided a year ago to take the chance. And I’m glad I did. I now experience what yoga is really about. It’s not only about doing the postures, but it’s a continuously physical and mental process.

The benefits for me so far: I feel more confidence in my body and in whom I am. There is more space in my back, shoulders and hips. I feel more balanced. 

The atmosphere at Yoga Kumar is always positive. Thanks in part of Suhyun and Ankan, who’s relativating, humourous, and motivates with the right attitude. He is not patronizing but treats every student with respect, whether they are experienced or new in class. I feel welcome every time I visit. 
